Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Some Celebrity SMS Addicts

Paris Hilton: You can't talk about smses without Paris Hilton. She has gotten into a lot of trouble with her cell phone. Remember when hackers exposed the dirty pictures that were stored on it?but she still cant put her favorite plaything down. "I would be dead without my cellphone,i sms all the time.There's always something to talk about with someone. And besides, it gives u something to do wt ur hands". Says Paris Hilton.

Kylie Minogue: Aussie pop queen,admits that she often relies on smses to keep her love life ticking over. Relationships are wonderful but they require some work whether u are miles away or in the same situation all the time says brave cancer survivor Kylie. She says "I am good at communicating wt phone calls and smses".
Victoria Beckham:Posh Spice has arrived L.A. early to find a new family home for when David and the family relocate to the U.S. to continue his career at L.A. galaxy.
Brtiney Spears:Britney can punch out smses quicker than a Executive P.A. So imagine how little effort it would have taken her to type "U are dumped" to soon to be ex hubby, KFed.
George Clooney: Words don't come easy to Hunky Bachelor George,so he's taken to smsing pictures rather than messages. George loves his phone and tries to get pictures of good looking people on it.

Owen Wilson:Hollywood funny man says he gets criticized by people all the time for bn on his blackberry. He says he gets a lot of grief from his friends who constantly accuse of him of having more interest in his blueberry than having a good conversation. But in his defense he says,he sometimes writes down funny stuff and ideas for scenes on it,"although sometimes i am just smsing bullshit",says Mr O. Wilson.

Drew Barrymore:She says she sends smses to friends at least once a day.She says it's better than mails because mails have raised their prices. She loves her smses and says it gives ur hands something to do when u are free.

Jessica Simpson:Jess has had little luck in her love life of late. First she and her ex, Nick Lachey ended their marriage,she was dumped the worst way -by sms.
Her short term lover,Adam Levine,broke up wt her via an sms that said 'Really busy. Need space'.
But this hasn't deterred Jess, who says she finds smsing as a great way to talk to guys. She says it keeps things nice and simple. Go Girl!

Heather Graham:Boogie Nights beauty Heather is an sms maniac. She says "I just love to sms and i am pretty fast too".

Tom Cruise:According to ex wife,Nicole Kidman, Tom is something of an sms maniac. When the former couple met at the Golden Globes soon after their split,it was reported that Nicole seethed: "Stop sending those damn smses! and Tom replied: "Not here, Nicole".

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