Sunday, May 20, 2007

My Chat Room.

Hey everybody!!!
I now have a chat room on my page where u can chat with whoever u want to and be whoever u want to be.

It's really very easy to use and if u are at work, (for those whose offices do not permit them to use yahoo/MSN messengers or their yahoo/MSN messengers have being disabled) u can chat wt friends without Ur boss being the wiser.

The Chat Room is at the bottom of this page and on the side bar.

I have checked other blogs and haven't seen any chat room on them, so like Stevo said, that makes me the first Nigerian blogger to have a chat room on her blog. Lol.

Happy Chatting!


  1. Aint this the coolest thing ;)And you were the first one to have it in Nigeria baby :)

  2. @ Stevo, Yes i am.
    @ Set. Yes it is. Lol.
