Sunday, February 15, 2009

13 year old father.

The first time I heard about 13 year old Alfie Patten of Great Britain being a father, I was so angry because I thought it was unfair for the fifteen year old girl to take advantage of him. An average thirteen year old boy (all over the world) should be thinking about school and not girls, especially not sex. So I ignored the news each time it came on TV.

However, I have picked more interest in it now that there are two other 16 year old boys claiming paternity to the baby.

Not only is this girl ...a 15 year old girl, that should also have been concentrating on school, a baby snatcher (having sex with a 13 year old boy that looks like a 10 year old) she is also a keziah! (Someone who gives herself freely to any guy).
She is a big embarrassment to herself and her family.
That being said, what could be the intention of these two teenagers claiming paternity to the baby? Money?? There claims are suspicious cos it's strange that they are doing this rather than do what an average teenage boy do... turn the other way. Deny, deny, deny and let the poor 13 year old take responsibility.
Everyone is laying claim to this child cos the media has over blown this situation. The boy's father who has 8 other children is aiming to get money from the media out of all these ruckus. Exclusive pics, exclusive interviews , etc for some bucks.
Now, these boys who claim to have spent nights with the girl in her parents' home, want a DNA test to be taken to prove the child's paternity, everyone wants a cut out of this embarrassing situation. It's shameful.
Something needs to be done about this sex education given to children and freedom of 'this and that' all over.
What has happened to these people's morality and sense of shame?
What has happened to some parents and the world at large?


  1. This story in unbelievable !!!

  2. well said, exactly, it is about media power and getting money out of it.
    Where is the shame?
    That boy even looks "cool" in his fellows eyes..youngest dad of the earth..NO DIGNITY.Just sensation.

  3. I would like to know why you think you have the moral right to vilify a fifteen year old girl and NONE of the boys involved in this. "she is an embarrassment to her family" - wow, so the boys are NOT embarrassments to their own families? So the boys should not be ashamed of themselves? So the boys are not to blame?

    Women like you, who are so eager to truss and string other women as the guilty party in ANY case involving men are the reason why there are so many women out there that suffer and live horrible lives.

    Imagine if this was the Middle East and you were saying this in a Sharia court and not on your blog. The girl would probably be dead by now. The boys would probably be out screwing more girls before nightfall. And you, you will be feeling soooooo good and catholic.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. By their fruit we shall know them. Vera did not only criticize the girl, she also criticized the boys. Maybe you would have seen that if you had not let emotions cloud your judgment. From your outburst, i guess you were once like this girl and were crucified, although that was not the case here. I suggest you read the post again and then make a reasonable comment.

  6. Uh... Ice Babe... your argument makes no sense. By your reasoning, anyone that opposes anything must therefore be a prime example of that thing? By your reasoning every woman that opposes female genital mutilation must have been circumcised herself....

    This is not about emotions. Vera was being unnecessarily judgmental towards the girl(s). Her post had a very "holier-than-thou" feeling and frankly it is annoying when girls try to pull morals as rank against other girls.

    The point is, apportion blame where it is deserved but don't be biased. Vera's post sounds HEAVILY biased, and your argument is ridiculous.

  7. @ Ice babe, thx.

    @ Sugabelly, kindly read my post again with an open mind. I did not only criticize the girl, I criticized the boys as well. No child, whether male or female should think of participating in sex if they don’t fully understand the repercussion(s).

    Part of my post said "The first time I heard about 13 year old Alfie Patten of Great Britain being a father, I was so angry".

    Another paragraph read "She is a big embarrassment to herself and her family. That being said, what could be the intention of these two teenagers claiming paternity to the baby? Money??"

    I also said "Now, these boys who claim to have spent nights with the girl in her parents' home, want a DNA test to be taken to prove the child's paternity, everyone wants a cut out of this embarrassing situation. It's shameful. Something needs to be done about this sex education given to children and freedom of 'this and that' all over. What has happened to these people's morality and sense of shame?" I said THESE people, I didn’t say this girl's morality. So like Ice bae said earlier, be open minded.

    I am not holier than thou; however, do u think it's something worthy of applause for a 15 year old girl to have sex with 3 boys almost at the same interval? If u think it's something worthy to be praised, then u can call me whatever u want to.

    I rest my case.


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